Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 2

Last night I reflected on why it is so hard for me to loose weight. After about 30 minutes of reflection I realized that it is that voice in side my head: the chubby girl. I have been round my whole life. I had cute little rolls as a baby, and plump cheeks as a girl, and those awkward years were legitimately AWKWARD!  My earliest memories of not being as thin as the others was sometime in the 3rd or 4th grade. I realized I did not look the same in clothes as the "cool" girls at school. At that point in life it didn't have a major impact on me, but it was the beginning impressions of feeling less than those girls.

Now years later, I see someone with a super flat tummy, or great legs, or a beautiful neck. They all make me jealous. Yesterday I decided any time I see someone who embodies such characteristics, this chubby girl will change her inner monologue. Instead of saying, "Hate her..." She will say instead, "That can be me!" 

It's going to take me awhile to reach my goal, but I think it will be much healthier if I change my thought-life along with my change in eating habits!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 1...

Weight:  206.6
B/P: 131/97
Pulse: 100
Blood Sugar: 95
Overall Cholesterol: 265
BMI: 34.5
Body Fat: 38.2

Today is the first day of my weight loss/getting healthy journey. So far...I'm hungry. This is not a good way to get started. I have crashed dieted far too many times to remember, so this time I am doing this a little differently. Going with a sensible diet, more like the revised USDA criteria. Cutting soda and sweets. OUCH! And the hardest part for me: getting active!

I have flashbacks to Mrs. Kroencke's telling me to run faster during stair laps for Volleyball conditioning, or Mr. Seiverling telling me I need to get better on my 10 minute mile, etc. I hate exercise. No other way around it, but my Cholesterol and blood pressure are clear indicators that my body is in MAJOR need of an overhaul!

Christmas 2011-Heaviest in my life!
So here I go. Today, this chubby girl is going to drink more water, eat more veggies, and take the dog for a walk. Small goals, but I have to start somewhere!